Basal Cell Carcinoma — Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

If you spend a lot of time out in the sun, either through your job or during leisure activities, you could be at risk of developing basal cell carcinoma.  Regular check-ups at your local skin cancer clinic will ensure that any potential problems are quickly identified so that treatment can be started promptly.  In the meantime, what danger signs should you look out for and what's the prognosis if you are diagnosed with this condition? [Read More]

5 Signs That a Mole Could Be Cancerous

With skin cancer affecting as many as two thirds of people in Australia, it's vital to be able to spot the signs early. Many skin cancers start as a mole that changes in size, shape or appearance. By learning these five easy-to-remember signs of a cancerous mole, you can detect skin cancer in its earliest stage, when it is easiest to treat. 1. Asymmetry When a mole becomes cancerous, it often begins to grow outward in a single direction. [Read More]